Hello all. Over the last few years I've been trying to learn Japanese of course, and though at times it's gone well, recently I've found myself at a bit of a dead end. I've tried a great many different ways of learning, some agreeing with me, and some not. This site has been great and thanks to the resources here, I'm comfortable up until the Upper Beginner level. However...
I generally have a lot of free time, time which I WOULD put into learning more, but I'm just not sure where to go. With Upper Beginner being an as of yet incomplete series, my only other option is to try the Lower Intermediate series, and although I can understand parts of it, some episodes more than others, my brain has this annoying habit of completely switching off when I hear something I don't understand. So it's not easy when there's a conversation going on between the hosts during the lesson and I can't follow it because I'm just bombarded with vocab that I don't know. With that in mind, I think it's best for me not to try and punch above my weight and look for something else closer to my level.
Which brings me to my point. Initially when I first started I thought I wouldn't bother with kanji as I was more interested in just listening rather than writing. Now, I've had a change of heart and I think kanji is something I need to look at.I tried RTK, but lost motivation at around 800 chars or so, I felt I wasn't really learning any actual japanese with it, just associating shapes with english words. With this in mind, I'd like some suggestions as to how to go about this, with regards to the level I'm currently at. Tae Kim's grammar is also an excellent resource, but naturally it can only cover so many things, and I'd like something a little more focused on the kanji themselves. Preferably in context - I just find it that much easier if I can at least guess, and using rikaichan can correct me if I'm wrong. Lastly, I can read hiragana and katakana decently, since I'm not sure I mentioned that.
I think that's all, many thanks for your input and uh... my apologies for the long-windedness of my post.