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Beginner and Newbie series?

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Beginner and Newbie series?

Postby finixy73371 » April 29th, 2012 10:57 am

Since I have some basic grasp of the Japanese language, I decided to start with the beginner's season 1. but after doing some lessons and seeing it starts on basically nothing and their description are pretty familiar, I had to wonder what's the difference between the beginner and newbie series?

I just want to make sure I'm not missing on anything important by "skipping" the newbie lessons.

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Postby PalMcGee9385 » May 27th, 2012 12:13 am

well, I went through Pimsleur before trying jpod, and pimsleur is I think sorta equivalent to the newbie series - if you find the newbie lessons too easy, like you are just wasting time,then by all means skip em

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Postby mwbeale6642 » May 29th, 2012 3:00 pm

I think Jpod101 introduced the newbie series after having introduced the beginner 1 series. So, when they introduced the beginner 1 series, that started right at the very bottom. After that they seemed to have a re-organisation and the "very bottom" level was renamed "newbie".

Beginner series 1 goes from the basics to some lower intermediate level, so it gets quite challenging towards the end. Maybe you could dip in half way and gauge your level.

Beginner 4,5,6 are the "new style" beginner lessons. They don't start right at the very bottom (but follow some earlier newbie lessons). Personally, I prefer the newer style lessons, so would be tempted to start with beginner 4 (if you feel you are not a newbie), rather than beginner 1.

I hope that makes sense.

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