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app to review the Henshall Kanji found in Kanjidic2

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app to review the Henshall Kanji found in Kanjidic2

Postby rshiplett » April 27th, 2012 3:32 pm

I was parsing the XML of Kanjidic2 so I extracted those entries with a Henshall number and posted a note at googlle's blog site: ... shall.html

The app requires a Japanese company's industrial-quality secure plug-in - the Curl SURGE Runtime Engine or RTE - first developed at MIT under the same DARPA grant that gave us the W3C for www and available since 2001 - now in version 8.

Curl was spun-off by the MIT team and then purchased by SCSK, the former SUMISHO Computing Corporation and is widely used in large Japanese corporations (it was fully UNICODE before JavaScript's UCS, as I recall.)

I think of Curl as a one-language alternative to JavaScript+CSS+HTML and definitely as a secure alternative to Flash. HTML5 will soon have features that have been in Curl for years. It is an elegant expression-based language developed by LISP professors. More and more the documentation for Curl is in Japanese only at with updated much later.

JavaScript came out of Smalltalk SELF, but as a Smalltalk and PROLOG developer, I much prefer Curl for web app's.

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