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Lesson Output

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Lesson Output

Postby braintic » January 7th, 2012 12:49 am

I have just paid for a month's subscription.
I don't understand how you could have so much material when you are producing only two new lessons each week. Is this site in financial trouble?
After I've downloaded all I want, what should entice me to pay for another month?

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Regarding my post above

Postby braintic » January 7th, 2012 1:44 am

Some statistics:

According to the stats on this site, there have been more than 31000 posts in the last 6 years.
Thats more than 5000 posts per year.
Yet a quick check reveals there have been only about 250 posts in the last 3 months.
Assuming the number of posts are proportional to the number of customers, you have less than 20% of the customers you had at your peak.

Yep, looks like I'll be pulling out after a month.

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Postby boku1571 » January 9th, 2012 12:23 am

Couple of things here...

First, it does bother me that there doesn't seem to have been much activity in the last 2 years on the site.

Second, as long as the site doesn't shut its doors, I'm okay with that (though I'd rather more activity).. The content is still awesome and worthwhile. It is the best Japanese dialogue you can get.

If you leave, have fun with Pimsleur and their dry lessons.

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Postby braintic » January 9th, 2012 1:41 am

I have already downloaded 14 Gig from the site in 3 days.
I intend to download everything before my month is up.
I think that will give me enough to work with without worrying about new lessons (or Pimsleur).

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Re: Lesson Output

Postby mwbeale6642 » January 11th, 2012 12:28 pm

braintic wrote:I have just paid for a month's subscription.
After I've downloaded all I want, what should entice me to pay for another month?

How about this for a motivation to pay: you feel that the material you have downloaded is great value for money and you want to support the organisation that provides such great material while you are still using it. Furthermore you feel uncomfortable with using that material and not paying when there are other people paying for it: it sort of feels like scrounging off other people.

I pay a premium subscription and haven't downloaded anything for 6 months (I'll soon be downloading beginner series 2 though since I'm nearly at the end of beginner series 1). However I listen to JapanesePod101 every day. I think the right thing for me to do is to pay Jpod101 for the fantastic material they produce / have produced. In purely economic terms, what I am doing is not the right thing to do. However I am not just a cog in an economic machine and I have non-economic motivations for the way I behave.

Anyway, it's up to you.

Just off for a run listening to beginner series 1's lessons 154, 155, 156. 1 hour of Japanese lessons for 20p a day. Seems like excellent value to me.


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Postby braintic » January 11th, 2012 11:19 pm

Nope, that doesn't motivate me. For ME, the material here is even better value for money:
I've just finished downloading the entire site (26 gig and almost 1500 lessons).
That's less that $1 per gig, and less than 2 cents per lesson.
Why would any sane person continue to pay $25 per month to get 8 or 9 new lessons at $3 per lesson?
You compare it: 2 cents per lesson this month - $3 per lesson next month.
Its a no-brainer.
If they had the same output as ChinesePod - about 25 lessons per month - then I might consider it.

If I owned this site, I wouldn't allow people to download 1500 lessons for just $25. My $25 should enable me to download say 100 lessons.
But given that it is allowed, one would be silly not to take advantage of it, and sillier to keep paying $25 every month. Not everyone has money to throw around in the name of charity.

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Postby boku1571 » January 12th, 2012 5:04 am

braintic wrote:Nope, that doesn't motivate me. For ME, the material here is even better value for money:
I've just finished downloading the entire site (26 gig and almost 1500 lessons).
That's less that $1 per gig, and less than 2 cents per lesson.
Why would any sane person continue to pay $25 per month to get 8 or 9 new lessons at $3 per lesson?
You compare it: 2 cents per lesson this month - $3 per lesson next month.
Its a no-brainer.
If they had the same output as ChinesePod - about 25 lessons per month - then I might consider it.

If I owned this site, I wouldn't allow people to download 1500 lessons for just $25. My $25 should enable me to download say 100 lessons.
But given that it is allowed, one would be silly not to take advantage of it, and sillier to keep paying $25 every month. Not everyone has money to throw around in the name of charity.

You don't run this site. If you did, I probably wouldn't have paid in the first place.

Why would a sane person pay $25/month? Well, I didn't. I found a good promo code that got me the 2-year subscription at a much discounted rate. And then I PAID. Why? Because if nobody pays, then this resource wouldn't continue to be available.

You're just greedy and short-sighted, and if the whole world was made up of people like you, then it would be a sad place.

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Postby braintic » January 12th, 2012 5:35 am

Greedy and short-sighted!! Really - coming from a Texan!
Pragmatic is what I am - and I think you will find that most of the users here are the same.
I'm not sitting on an oil well you know. Perhaps $25 is not ½ % of YOUR bank account.

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Postby boku1571 » January 12th, 2012 6:26 am

braintic wrote:Greedy and short-sighted!! Really - coming from a Texan!
Pragmatic is what I am - and I think you will find that most of the users here are the same.
I'm not sitting on an oil well you know. Perhaps $25 is not ½ % of YOUR bank account.

LOL...... as if I am? Just because I live in Texas? One of the states with the worst education systems, and worst healthcare systems in the NATION? Why do you think I'm here studying Japanese? Certainly not because I plan to STAY in Texas.

Actually, at the moment, $25 is more than I have in the bank. I have lots of time to study right now thanks to being unemployed... I have a place to live thanks to unemployment insurance, but that's IT... I have come to enjoy RICE because it is cheap LOL...

Again, if nobody paid, such resources as this wouldn't be available. I paid when I had the money for a 2-year subscription. Thus I have full access now that I really do have the time to enjoy it.

Before you judge someone's financial situation and thus their morals, maybe think that the whole world doesn't conform to your view :)..

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Postby braintic » January 12th, 2012 6:46 am

"the whole world doesn't conform to your view"

Unfortunately not. More than half the world doesn't even have the intelligence to realise there is no god. And half of those people believe it is their right to impose their version of god on everyone else.

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