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Action movie Japanese

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Action movie Japanese

Postby gooduser1238998 » July 24th, 2011 9:10 am

Right, I don't know if this has already been done in some of the later lessons, but what would be coo would be some action japanese, with words like:

shoot,take cover, machine gun, massacre, save, evacuate, volcano eruption, to attack, to swing a sword, to use a shield, do detonate a bomb, to defuse a bomb, to plant a bomb, to fire a missile, military training, armor suit, cyber brain, fighter jet, assassin, spy, insurgents, terrorists, freedom fighters, political prisoners, explosion, blast, nuclear explosion - I could go on for a long time with these :)

Also maybe some science fiction japanese

I know Japanesepod tries to be "cheerful" however shouldn't all topics be covered? sorry if this was already done in a later lesson- also JPOD101 RULES!

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