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Trying to find a good resource...

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Trying to find a good resource...

Postby Dm3lewis1030 » July 7th, 2011 8:27 pm

This is probably a very specific, I don't even know if I can find one for free.
I've tried to go through all the pages, but nothing seems to be exactly what I want.
But, what I'm looking for is some kind of flashcard/quiz website (or app for iPod) that has an audio recording, the kana, and maybe some romaji (Although that part isn't required). And maybe I can choose what words I want to study from a list? I currently use JPhrases for the iPod. I've tried to figure out the resources on this site, except I think those are only for premium memberships. Which I can't get (lack of credit card gah.)
I'd be willing to spend up to 40$ for a really good program, given that I don't need a credit card to order it online, and could pick it up at a local Chapters/Borders/Barnes and Nobles/etc. (Or if you happen to be from Toronto or Waterloo area in Ontario or NYC and know of a good place to find something of the sort, that'd be appreciated...But I highly doubt it.)
And for an iPod app, I'd be willing to spend up to 10$, but if there's some kind of free website that can do this, that would be incredibly awesome.
Sorry if this is a noob question, I just recently got into learning Japanese. Thank you for any help!

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Postby j_bertoni2279 » July 9th, 2011 10:56 pm

I think Anki can do all of that, but I haven't started using it for sound, so I can't help much there. It's free, though.

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Postby Javizy » July 10th, 2011 3:46 pm

Anki basically lets you do what you want, and it has desktop, web and iPod versions. The only trouble is that you need to make the cards yourself, although there is some premade content. If you used Heisig's book to learn kanji, there's a premade deck for that, and all the 8000+ sentences from the three Japan Times grammar dictionaries. You can even find Kanzen Master sentences and's Core 6000 with audio if you look around. I wrote myself a little program to get around making cards, but it's not robust/reliable enough for distribution I'm afraid :P

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