はじめまして。わたしは リチャード です。イギリスじん です。 よろしく おねがいします。
Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Richaado desu. Igirisujin desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Nice to meet you. I am Richard. I'm English. Please be kind.
Hi, I hope my introduction is right.. I'd like to ask a few questions about the kana used in the above.
Such as why Ha(は) and the wa(は) the particle folliwing watashi are the same?
And the Correct way to write my name? - Richard Barrett - Richaado Baretto (リチャード バレッチ) as I am using cha- to write the ch aa part. Else I get all sorts of characters, and through the translators I've used the above is supposedly correct. Maybe as (ちゃあ) chaa?
I've been trying to learn Japanese on and off for a while now. Sadly I'm impatient and want to learn it over night. Impossible I know. It's also hard to learn it at home on my own as I get easily distracted. I've looked through the site plenty and can't wait to get stuck in. It's just trying to find the concentration to listen to the lesson, read the notes practice, repeat; All in one day, and then do it again another day.
I need a visual representative of what I'm learning so obviously learning the kana with the lessons is great for me. But is it better to learn the charts, and then try to encompass what I've learnt there and use that to write what I hear, or just follow straight with the lessons, copying the given text?
Sorry for the wall of text, and thank's.
ありがとお じゃあね。