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How to best organize & format Podcasts for iPhone &

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How to best organize & format Podcasts for iPhone &

Postby sandal791575 » February 3rd, 2011 6:17 pm

I'd love some expertise /creative solutions.

Most of the titles of the podcasts are really long, so I can't see the lesson number or the topic in the iPod view on my iPhone. Same story with my iPod Nano. Combine this with the fact that there are a lot of podcasts and they're all in t...he same folder, this makes for lots of work searching.

This is what I need to be able to do:
1. When I click into the JapanesePod101 podcast, I would like to be able to pick from subcategories so that I can, for example, look at all the "Upper Intermediate" lessons at once, or all the "Everyday Kanji" lessons at once

2. Be able to see the entire title of the podcast at once on my iPhone or Nano screen. It doesn't scroll, so I can not always see the number of the lesson, and I can rarely see the topic of the lesson in the menu. I also want to be able to see the classification - e.g., is it the lesson notes, the song, the video, the vocab list, etc.

If I were able to do these things, browsing through my lessons on my device would be WAY quicker, and I could keep more lessons on there at once. It would make a huge difference in my experience as a podcast user.

What are the quickest and easiest solutions for these issues?
It would be awesome if there were an article or post on "Optimizing your iPod experience" that discussed how to optimize the browsing of lessons on a mobile device.

I've thought about creating playlists for each category of podcast, renaming and abbreviating the title of each file, and other things. But they all are time-consuming. I haven't figured out how to change the display within the player - if that's possible at all - but that could be an easy solution.

Thank you!!

サンドラ :D

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Postby ShiroiNeko » February 4th, 2011 11:41 pm

1. Organize your lessons into playlists or genres using iTunes is the best way. Using iTunes you can do them all in a batch, It can be done very quickly.

2. To the best I know, you can't do this on your IPod or Iphone. The only way you will get to see the entire title is to rename the title, It is time consuming as you stated, but it does make finding things a lot easier if you use a code to categorize your lessons.
Here is an example of the method I use.

Lesson Title = "B4-01-A xxxxxx"

B = Beginner lesson ( A for audio blog, L for Lower Intermediate, N for Newbie, etc )
4 = Series number
01 = Lesson number
A = Lesson type ( A for main lesson, R for review, D for dialog, B for bonus, S for song, etc )
xxxx = a few short words describing the lesson

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