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JapanesePod101 Anki Audio Sentence Mining Project Proposal

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JapanesePod101 Anki Audio Sentence Mining Project Proposal

Postby nalcomis » November 21st, 2010 10:47 am


A friend and I are starting a project to sentence mine the dialog portions of lessons from JapanesePod101 and importing them into a shared Anki media deck. We like the JPOD101 stuff because grammar topics are introduced through conversation. We expect to get a lot out of this but, however, extracting individual sentences from a single MP3 and making associated cards is extremely tedious. This is why we would like to collaborate with other people interested in doing the same.

I have already created the master deck, a "temp" deck used to create new cards, and a tracking spreadsheet in Google docs that we are using to track our progress. Packaged Anki deck updates are posted to a Google docs folder which I manually import into the master deck for everyone to study from. As I make updates, they are automatically distributed to you the next time you sync, which is done by default on startup. If a handful of people would like to do this and are willing to create ~20 or so cards a week, the benefits could greatly outweigh the tediousness of creating the cards. I will be honest, it isn't fun...

Anyone interested in participating must be a JapanesePod101 premium subscriber. We are using Audacity (freeware audio ripping software) to extract the MP3 files downloaded from this site. I am also in the process of putting together a small tutorial that non-computer savvy people can follow as a guide to creating the cards.

Also, this isn't a deck that will be publicly shared in Anki. It will only be for folks who contribute and have Premium JPOD101 accounts... Only fair, right?

Anyone interested?

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Postby kageri » November 22nd, 2010 9:39 am

why extracting from mp3? I use the line by line audio and record it with the No23 recorder (freeware tool) for my personal needs. but my decks are japanese-german^^

the question is, is it allowed to make the sentences from the dialogs available in a shared media deck? maybe you should ask for permisson first?

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Postby ktransit6287 » November 24th, 2010 5:16 am

And why record anything? It is already there...
Last edited by ktransit6287 on November 25th, 2010 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby kageri » November 24th, 2010 8:27 am

because for me it's the most conveniant way. Just two clicks and the wanted sentence goes directly into the folder I prepared. And I can record what I want, divide the long sentences etc.

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Postby ktransit6287 » November 25th, 2010 1:50 pm

I understand why line-by-line audio is good for you.
What I meant is that you don't need to record anything or, god forbid, extract from larger mp3 files.
The line-by-line audio is already on the site, so it means... you can download it... and use it later in whatever way you want.

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Re: JapanesePod101 Anki Audio Sentence Mining Project Propos

Postby michellehues7706 » January 18th, 2013 7:33 am

But how do you actually download it? If I right click on the little play button next to the individual line transcripts, it only gives the option to save the image.

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Re: JapanesePod101 Anki Audio Sentence Mining Project Propos

Postby Jessi » January 22nd, 2013 3:54 am

Hi Michelle,
Sorry for the confusion, but there isn't a way to download the individual Line by Line audio. I think the users above were using different methods (recording it using a software program, etc).
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