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(NEW) Japanese Music recommendations

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(NEW) Japanese Music recommendations

Postby viktory » October 22nd, 2010 12:16 am

Hello everyone :8
When Japanese music is being discussed or recommended it seems to always be the same 10 J-pop & Rock artist who pop up.
But not everyone is into those.There are so many other great and more original bands out there who are being overlooked.
I have put together two videos in which you will hopefully come across some great Japanese music different from all the boy and girl bands/groups.
(とくにPart 2!)
Hope you like it and please if you know any other great but overlooked japanese bands put them in the comments :) === part 1 singing music === part 2 mostly instrumental

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Don't know if they're "great"...

Postby mwncrypted » October 26th, 2010 4:01 am

...but a band that really entertains me no end is SEKIMA-II. I saw them the first time on J-Melo (Sunday evenings on NHK World/JibTV internet). They're J-hair-metal-gothish-hard-rock, and completely wacky and over the top. It's not normally the type of music that I listen to, but these guys really amuse me. Their album 'Akuma Nativity "Songs of the Sword" is available on iTunes in the US.


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Re: (NEW) Japanese Music recommendations

Postby choneb9359 » October 2nd, 2012 7:33 am

For music, I stumbled upon an oldie but a goodie by Kyu Sakamoto 上を向いて歩こう. Listened to this growing up (and no, I am not that old 23yr-old :wink: )

Another good one I recently found is Trytone (its a 5-member acapella band)

Check it out!

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