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My Word Bank - primitive, but has potential

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My Word Bank - primitive, but has potential

Postby pilgrimpictures » September 5th, 2010 11:13 pm


I appreciate having the MY WORD BANK as a feature to enhance the Premium Member experience.

However, it still seems a little primitive and could use a major overhaul.

For example:

* Allow me to select only certain words from my growing list for a print display

* Let me group certain types of words into a specific category for printing or flashcards
(ie. criteria based upon "last added," or Newbie words only, or na verbs only, etc.)

* Allow me to download a complimentary audio file, that aligns all of the attached audio, into one audio file for my iPod. For example, if I have 50 words in my Bank, and if each of them have a audio-file attached to listen to pronunciation, then I want to be able to construct a 50-word audio file (for my iPod) from my list. Just like an organization of those 50-words for a print file, for example.


Don't know how difficult this type of advancement is for you folks, but it would really make the MY WORD bank a useful, flexible tool.



New in Town
Posts: 11
Joined: October 3rd, 2009 8:47 pm


Postby pilgrimpictures » September 5th, 2010 11:16 pm

Just read down and saw the list of some new MY WORD BANK suggestions.

Nice work!

I totally agree.

Jessi Team Member
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Joined: November 25th, 2007 9:58 am

Postby Jessi » January 6th, 2011 7:13 am

Hello, and thank you for your feedback!
We have received a lot of similar feedback regarding our WordBank, and we have just recently given the WordBank a major overhaul :)
We have included the ability to group words into lists, export your wordbank, change display settings, and much more!
You can find a complete explanation of the new features here: ... ancements/

We hope you enjoy the new features - please feel free to leave us any feedback you may have 8)
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