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Japanese on Windows Mobile

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Japanese on Windows Mobile

Postby nightcrawler » April 15th, 2009 1:53 am

Hey everyone,

I have a samsung mobile that runs windows mobile 6.1
I have been trying to install Japanese font on it but have had no luck.
I am also trying to fina a Japanese dictionary application for it.

Has anyone had any success with finding and installing Japanese apps on a windows mobile device?

I am becoming a bit envious of the ease that iphone users have with Japanese support.


New in Town
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Re: Japanese on Windows Mobile

Postby kusyok » April 19th, 2009 9:32 pm

nightcrawler wrote:Hey everyone,

I have a samsung mobile that runs windows mobile 6.1

i'm on WM 6 but you can try this application

and this

New in Town
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study japanese on Windows Mobile

Postby graynod » September 3rd, 2010 3:15 pm

ナイトクラーラさん、こんにちは! (i tried!)
I recently bought a Dell Axim x51v, and I have had really good luck (since I installed Windows Mobile 6.1!) finding a lot of apps to play with, and most are really easy to install.

My favorites are King Kanji (use the stylus to practice drawing kanji, it's so cool!) and Jitterbits dictionary. There's tons of stuff, and lots of dictionaries you can get, but King Kanji is a must and it's keeping me busy, and Jitterbits just seems to run the best of the mobile dictionaries I've tried.

Also, go to and get the input software! That way you can hand-write in Japanese, and the input software will display Japanese characters you can put into the dictionary, for example, to look up stuff. It gets a character I draw wrong once in a while (lol, it's not just me!), but then I can just look it up in the drop down chart. Actually, maybe it's learning, I don't think it's missed a character for a couple of weeks now.

And of course, you can listen to the JapanesePod101 audio, watch the videos, and read the PDFs, as well as visit the site, all from one of these little machines.

I hope that helps. So yes, I feel that I have had great luck with mine (it did take some tweaking, but getting WM 6.1 on it seemed to solve a _lot_ of problems). If you google around, there's even a guy in Japan who will set one up for you with lots of goodies, but I wanted to do my own. Not too sure I have the best dictionary possible, but it's plenty for now.

Oh, and I put the Meiryo font on mine and have had good luck using it. I don't remember now where I got it or how I installed it, but search around and you'll find it. It works & looks great, I set it for my font for everything.

Good luck and have fun!

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