Keeping to the topic, vocab list, and/or grammar points,
Each student can leave some example sentences here.
- If you use kanji please give furigana. 漢字[かんじ]
If you only use hiragana use word breaks.
Romaji is welcome too.
Try to NOT use a dictionary but use words you already know.
If you include an interesting new word, give an English definition.
It's more important to try than to be right
Mistakes will be made, and are a good way to learn.
Hopefully amongst ourselves we can correct them.
Ideally an advanced learner or a native speaker might drop by and help out on this.
(extra credit if you can make something amusing or use multiple grammar points. )
this thread: Beginner Lesson 101 -- Golf Outing II
topic: golf, business
vocab: see pdf (or listen carefully to the podcast!)
grammar points: plain negative + desu, でしょう