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Recommendations for iTouch/iPhone Apps

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Postby mseidl » January 18th, 2010 9:40 pm

Yamanchu wrote:kamitoki, as far as I'm aware, the only difference between an itouch and iphone is that an itouch won't make phone calls and doesn't have a GPS. So for learning Japanese an itouch will do everything that an iphone will do, but just cheaper to buy.

The iPhone also offers on-the-go Internet access, no need to rely on hotspots -- so, for example, I can stream the latest lesson straight from the Web site on my way in to work.

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Postby bozox » February 12th, 2010 9:20 pm

JISHOP for iPhone is a kanji/word dictionary. The main focus is on element-based kanji search, with the original table of 632 elements (NOT the classic bushu), but you can search by onyomi/kunyomi, stroke count, or translation as well.

For every kanji, JISHOP lists onyomi, kunyomi with translations, stroke count, alternative forms, synonyms and other related kanji, sample compound words, name-specific readings (nanori). For ~2000 kanji, animated stroke-order diagrams (SODs) are available.

A phonetic (word) dictionary is also available.

JISHOP comes in three flavors: Concise with 1006 kanji listed (the "Gakushu: Kanji" list), Plus with 1945 kanji (Jo:yo: Kanji), and Advanced with ~4700 kanji. JISHOP Concise is free, Plus and Advanced are paid.

The project homepage is at:

どうぞよろしく! ^_^

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Postby kamitoki » February 13th, 2010 2:29 pm

Awesome! Thanks for the recs. Sadly, I decided to hold off a few months till Iphone 4G releases. See you then!

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Postby prometheus2003 » March 28th, 2010 8:21 pm

Great thread. I have tried out quite a few learning apps. My two absolute favorites are iKanji and the JLPT series from PlaySay. I've also started to look through NumberKanji, which lists counters by category.

I also have to agree that Kotoba! is essential. One of the first things I did after I learned kana was to order manga, and the app was surprisingly easy to use as a look-up tool. Even if there are too many kanji fitting the furigana to find the right one, the radical search is effective.

Grammar from JapanesePod101 looks great, although I think I'll get more from it once I know more vocab. One thing I'd love but have not found yet is a grammar app complete with quizzes. I'm a beginner at Japanese and it would be nice to have something that quizzes on verb conjugations and particle use.

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Postby Belton » April 4th, 2010 9:38 am

untmdsprt wrote:みなさん、こんにちは!

Has anyone found a 類語辞書「るいごじしょ」app? I would prefer an iPhone app, but if there is one available in another form I'd appreciate it.

For those who don't know it's a dictionary that lists quasi-synonym words. For example these words all mean about the same thing: tiny, small, microscopic, etc. but you wouldn't call a chihuahua microscopic. You'd call it either tiny or small.

If someone knows of one of these dictionaries, does it have examples of when a word is used?


A bit off-topic and months after the original post but....

Mac OS has a 類語辞書 built in. You can find it in the Dictionary Application and turn it on in preferences.

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New iPhone App

Postby bogart96 » April 17th, 2010 1:48 pm

Just found this little App today:


Here is a video:

Test Japanese grammar and vocab, multiple choice quiz.
EUR 1,59 (230 ¥, I think)

Haven't spent so much time with it yet, but I kind of like it. Seems the thing to use when one has 5-10 mins. to kill.
Far too easy for advanced learners, only just right for lower intermediates like me.

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Postby Javizy » April 17th, 2010 10:44 pm

漫画新聞 is the best app I've downloaded in ages, although it's essentially just a website. You can pretty much learn to read a newspaper without the strain of actually tackling a real article. At least it should be a bit easier to tackle one of those giant broadsheets after a few months of this anyway...

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Jap Apps for iPod touch

Postby abriwin5731 » April 18th, 2010 1:01 pm

I have only just begun learning japanese and am finding my iPod touch invaluable. The number of apps available is very good. Some are just ok some useless but there are a few which are really inspiring. I already have a page and a half on my iPT. Just search for learning Japanese, Kana, hiragana etc. in the Apps store. Quite a few are free

You might also want to check out, they have some useful courses which although classified as audio books will be found in the Music section of your iPT. Switch it on as you go to sleep, pop it under the pillow and as you drift off some of the lessons will stick by subliminal learning.

good luck.

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Postby jkerianjapanesepod5596 » September 24th, 2010 3:09 pm

I've heard in a number of places that 新和英大辞典 is available for iPhone/iPod... but haven't been able to find it on the store or anywhere else. If it's available (even at over $100), it would simply blow away all other dictionary options in the i-world. I'm not sure it's actually available though, given that the computer version requires about 70 megs. Does anyone have this? or have you seen it?

I have seen the various "smaller" kenkyuusha dictionaries on the iStore, but I haven't seen the GG.

An iPhone version is mentioned in the wiki page, for example: at wikipedia

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Postby Javizy » September 24th, 2010 7:22 pm

jkerianjapanesepod5596 wrote:I've heard in a number of places that 新和英大辞典 is available for iPhone/iPod... but haven't been able to find it on the store or anywhere else. If it's available (even at over $100), it would simply blow away all other dictionary options in the i-world. I'm not sure it's actually available though, given that the computer version requires about 70 megs. Does anyone have this? or have you seen it?

I have seen the various "smaller" kenkyuusha dictionaries on the iStore, but I haven't seen the GG.

An iPhone version is mentioned in the wiki page, for example: at wikipedia

I wouldn't worry about the 70MB, since I have dictionaries well over 100MB. Green Goddess is available, but only in the Japanese store as far as I've heard.

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Postby Belton » September 25th, 2010 4:34 am

The 新和英辞典 is 13000 yen.

There is also the 新英和大辞典 And they weigh in about 142MB each which is trivial even on an 8GB device really.

It is possible to purchase from the Japanese store using a prepaid iTunes card and Japanese address. I very much doubt you'd be able to register a non-Japanese credit card. (I've had no problem buying music I'd assume an app would be the same).

But it's in the Uk and US stores as well (£65 and $110)

You'd need to consider how well you could use the dictionaries based on your Japanese level. And what the gains are compared to cheaper dictionaries in day to day use.

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Postby jkerianjapanesepod5596 » September 27th, 2010 12:16 am

Ahh, thank you. For some reason it didn't occur to me to search for the title of the book instead of 研究社. (Probably affected by the fact that you do get several answers, looking for the company name)

In my case, my 2 year old son just destroyed my embarrassingly old 電子辞書, so I was looking around for another one. I also routinely go back to my hard copy 新和英大辞典第4版, and I've heard the 5th ed is much better.

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Postby pcgfx8051100 » October 15th, 2010 3:01 pm


When learning kana I created a few very basic and simple iPhone/iPod/iPad apps, as a way to improve my knowledge of hiragana and katakana; HiraganaTest(free), KatakanaTest(free) and KanaTest(£1.79). This seems like a very friendly and tight community, so I'd be extremely grateful if people would give me some feedback on how to make these better for learning. As KanaTest is non-free, I'll give the first few people interested a promo code so they can download it for free. Unfortunately the amount generatable is limited, and they only work on the US store :roll:

My store:

Anyway, thanks to anyone in advance who tries my apps. Thanks more to those who like them!

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Postby jkerianjapanesepod5596 » October 25th, 2010 5:02 pm

Related to my previous comments, is there a strong recomendation towards a 国語辞典 on the iPod.

Also, assuming I did have a Japanese address and prepaid card, would I be able to buy from the japanese app store and use it on an iPod which is mostly using american app store apps?

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Postby Jessi » October 26th, 2010 12:38 am


I've been using 大辞林 on my iTouch, and I really like it. To be honest, though, I haven't tried out other 国語辞典 so I'm not sure how it compares, but I would recommend it ;)
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