Postby Yamanchu » December 15th, 2009 1:59 am
I do get a variety of exposure, why do you think I'm on this site? Where did I say I only study from this book? I do a lot more than just study from this book, as I'm sure you do more than just study anki. I never said taking real world exposure was a disadvantage, nor studying on your own terms. You study on your terms, I study on mine.
I'm three quarters through the book, and yes, it has helped in my reading of Japanese considerably. And as for long term benefits, again, I'm reading Japanese, isn't that the objective here?
How do you study SRS? In front of a computer or an iphone like device I'm guessing. I don't have the luxury or the time to do that.
"We have used 'Reading Japanese' at Yale. . .
Our students learned to read fluently in a remarkably short time with a minimum of classroom attention, and actually showed a marked improvement in speaking the language too, as a result of the unusual design of the reading drills." Samuel Martin, Professor of Far Eastern Linguistics, Yale University.