I looked all over for an answer to this, but no one else seems to find a problem with it. It could be I have been pronouncing "zu" incorrectly all along,.
Many sources say the "zu" is pronounced like the English word "zoo," but my question is: Is it sill pronounced exactly the same way in "zutto"?
I found that all along, I've been saying "zu" in "zutto" with more of a "dzu" sound. I used the audio dictionary on this site and found that the "zu" in "zutto" does not sound quite the same as "kuzu", wherein the "zu" in "kuzu" is more of what english speakers would call a voiced "s" sound and in "zutto" the 'z' sound sounds more heavy.
I hope someone understands my problem! The bottom line is: Do you find that you pronounce the "zu" sound exactly the same way as you do in say "zutto" and "kuzu"?