みなさん こんいちは!
I've recently begun to really dig into learning hiragana and trying to read the lesson notes in hiragana (and following the kanji version too) and I've hit something very baffling to me.
In the PDFs (the ones with an embedded font), I have begun to notice that all the 'wa' particles look like the hiragana for 'ha', は. When I track this into the romaji text, it is definitely a 'wa', わ, and you can hear it is a 'wa' in the audio.
Now, I'm gotten my computer setup and configured to allow for Japanese input using pretty much romaji typing. Thus, I have been typing what I read to help my retention of hiragana and to just learn how to spell Japanese words.
So, this is where my confusion starts because I have to type 'ha' for the same wa particle symbol I see in the PDFs and on web pages. The symbol I see is the same one on the hiragana chart on this site too. I wanted to be sure I wasn't going crazy and looked up 'wa' and 'ha' in "Remembering the Kana" and it matches what I see on my computer screen.
As an example, look at Newbie S1 lesson 2 and find the 3rd line of text. Yamaguchi has a line that uses the 'wa' sound as part of a word and as a particle in the hiragana. The word, Watanbe-sensei, uses the expected wa symbol of わ but the wa particle looks like は (ha symbol).
I don't believe I have a technical difficulty on my end that is displaying things strangely. However, I don't understand why the particle symbol for wa looks like ha but still said as 'wa'. Was this covered somewhere and I just missed it?
This might answer why 今日は (こんにちは) and 今晩は (こんばんは) have a 'ha' symbol but I definitely hear a 'wa' sound (hinting now this is a wa particle).