Hi, there!
I found "Miharu", who lives in Chiba, on a site called "Mixxer":
We have been meeting on Skype once a week for one hour for several years! So, we have developed a great deal of mutual trust and honesty. We have been using Japanese for Busy People as a text. Usually, I read some of the text and ask her for feedback as to my pronunciation. And I help her her with English pronunciation.
But, to tell you the truth, we speak mostly in English.
It's the usual problem that you probably are talking about: my Japanese is very limited and she has a great English vocabulary. So we enjoy chatting about things in English, because it's the only way we can really communicate. So, my pronunciation is getting better, but my conversational skills in Japanese are really bad.
Another tip for pronunciation: use the Voice Recorder in the Learning Center. It does not lie! Listen carefully to your own voice and compare to the native speaker. I love this feature of JPOD, but I have to open Safari to use it. My Firefox has some kind of conflict with it.
Good luck!