Hello, everyone. I am new to the site and trying to learn Japanese on my own, I will be in Tokyo for a week in March 2010. The trip is what is giving me the push to actually start learning Japanese. I have always thought it would be great experience to live in Japan. But, being 30 and never attending college kinda puts stop to that since I read that you have to have a college education to work in Japan. I am going assume that the easiest job to find as a foreigner would be a English teacher. I have thought about maybe actually going and getting a college education starting next year. I was looking into some programs for English teacher like JET and a lot of them have put a age limit of 40. My question is, if I get a college education and graduate when I am 35, would that make it harder for me to find teacher work since I am not in my 20's like it seems most people are that are in these programs.