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Manga (English Version)

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Manga (English Version)

Postby markobe8 » May 4th, 2009 10:03 am


i know english manga is very very rare here in Japan.. but could help me where to buy English Manga here in Japan? I am searching for Bleach and Naruto.. because i will give it as an "omiyage" when i go back to my country..

minasan, your help is very much appreciated..

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Postby ryowarrior18 » May 4th, 2009 12:55 pm

Naruto and Bleach written in English?

Any bookstore should carry them, actually. They're both really popular.

Barns and Noble should carry them. If you don't have a bookstore, you can check out their online site:

Here is Naruto: ... uto&pos=-1

And here is Bleach: ... ach&pos=-1

Barns and Noble is nice because you can order the volumes you want if they don't have them in the store. They'll even deliver them to your house if you can't make it to the store. :)

I would go into a store and check out their manga section. You may find there is a lot more manga here than you think. :)

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Postby zakojanai » May 4th, 2009 3:01 pm, Kinokuniya and Junkudo all carry them. However, the English versions aren't actually printed in Japan so they're going to be cheaper in the U.S. If you're not American, you might want to check the prices in your home country first.

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