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Where does the PDF:s end up?

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Where does the PDF:s end up?

Postby DarkSphere » April 18th, 2009 11:13 am

I've tried out the "My feed" and used itunes to download everything I could. I'm on the 7 day free trial so I didn't get all the the audio and videos, but I couldn't find any PDF:s. I've searched through all folders related to itunes and I've looked around in the program too but can't find nothing but audio and video files. Is it that the trial version can't download them, does itunes not put them in the same folder or is it just an box somewhere in itunes that is unchecked preventing me from seeing pdf?

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Postby jkid » April 18th, 2009 2:53 pm

I am not too familiar with iTunes, but if you run a search on your computer for "*.pdf" without quotes that will find any PDF files on your computer. If they're there, this search is sure to find them. :) - Forum Admin
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Postby untmdsprt » April 18th, 2009 11:46 pm

iTunes will put all PDFs along with their audio/video files into the same folder. On mine it is iTunes -- iTunes Music -- Podcasts -- _ Premium Feed

If you'll look in the "Music" list within iTunes, you'll see all the PDFs associated with it. Also if you're using it to subscribe, the PDFs will be in the podcast feed.

Hope this helps.

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