I'm not sure if this is the correct section where I should post my enquiry of Premium Plus.
I've a few questions in mind as follows:-
1) Without logging into my user name, the price shown is $40+ USD/mth, after logging, it shows $26USD/mth. So there is indeed a difference just by logging in and subscribe?
2) When I first login, there is a notice indicating there will be a 10% discount if I subscribe NOW. Well, I cant decide initially since I was first time logging in. So I won't be able to enjoy the 10% discount?
3) For premium plus, there is additional features
i) Once a month, we are able to skype and let the examiner gauge our levels of learning for 30mins? Once a month??
ii) Once a week 2hrs of communicating with their experts using skype too?
(which means I can fully utilize for 2hrs / session / week?)
For no. 3) as it does not specify how do we go about linking with the experts, I
need to understand more before I subscribe the plan.
Thanks in advance for your help in my enquiries.