When I studied German, I could just look a word up in the dictionary by simply looking at the spelling and finding the word. This made reading a useful tool for study and learning the language. Japanese presents a different problem and I cannot seem to get a straight answer for how to get around the problem, even though I know thousands have crossed the same bridge.
I have several dictionaries, electronic ones which you can type in the furigana and it will give you some options about which kanji, or kanji combination it might be. The problem is, I don't know the pronunciation of the kanji(nor would most learners), and sometimes there are several.
The only answer I have gotten is "ask someone". Well, that is not useful advice because I cannot have a person sitting by me for hours and hours while I study.
Can you imagine that if English were such that you could not look a word up in the dictionary, without a person there, what you would do to learn the language?
Also, another problem is that I cannot tell where one word ends and another begins. I mean, obviously, if there is a particle, I realize that the word ended. But how about if there are 5 or 6 kanji in a row?? How many words is that? 3, 4?
I can't look it up if I don't know where the jukugo ends.
Thanks in advance for your advice.