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Can't get iTunes to log me in for basic/premium feed

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Can't get iTunes to log me in for basic/premium feed

Postby stevodevo » March 10th, 2009 9:03 pm

I'm new to iTunes and this website... a friend at work put me onto it and it looks great so far!

I'm trying to set up the premium feed so I can download past lessons (like the full newbie/beginner lessons) but whenever I try to log in to the jpod101 feed on iTunes it's not accepting my username/password.

I've tried multiple times, cutting and pasting to be sure I'm spelling it right, and even changed my password once to something simpler but it doesn't want to take it.

Hopefully I've described the problem correctly. Let me know if I can give more details.

Thanks... so far I've just be manually downloading but it takes a lot longer!

Eran Team Member
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Postby Eran » March 12th, 2009 2:46 am


Thanks for your inquiry. I am very sorry for the confusion but the iTunes Premium/Basic feeds (those that ask for your password) are not available for users on their free trial. They require an active paid subscription to access.


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Postby rednails82 » July 23rd, 2009 12:37 pm


I too have the same problem Stevodevo has. I dont see in his post that he is in free trial mode. It sounds like he has a premium package. I as well have the premium plus package and I cannot log into my iTunes Premium Feed to get past downloads at all. Its like when iTunes asks for a request for the user name/password, it just wont allow it.

Can you help us with this problem?!?!?!

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Postby rednails82 » July 23rd, 2009 12:46 pm

woops...forgot to say that I am working on an Mac OS X 10.5 and I am using iTunes 8.

Im wondering too if there maybe a problem with user names that have a space in between them??!?!
All I know is that iTunes is not allowing me to use my password. Its the same one I use to log into the website.

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Joined: April 24th, 2008 6:38 pm

Problem solved

Postby rednails82 » August 4th, 2009 6:05 pm

Okay peoples.... I got a answer to this problem so this is what I had to do to authenticate in iTunes.

1. You must have Premium subscription to have "MyFeed" work in iTunes

2. Email and have your user name changed with no spaces in it.
(iTunes does not authenticate if there is any spaces in your username)
( are very quick to respond to your emails and
if you give them an alternate username it makes it easy for them)

3. Once you get username changed, try to download "MyFeed" again. It will work!
Make sure you give it time to download all the lessons. theres alot!

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