Either you are talking about true rapid reading, where you try to extract the most info in the shortest time. 速読 More than a few books on the subject, amazon.co.jp it
Or you are talking about just being able to read in general, understand kanji and how to read them. And for that you simply need to read. No program is necessary, and you might not even need to purchase anything. Here in San Diego we got Lighthouse, YuYu, two or three publications from Los Angeles that are free bi-weekly. They got news, real life, stories, etc all inside, free reading material to practice on. Then get books you are interested in. I am a war-planes buff and enjoy WWII air combat stories, read such stories as Robert Johnson and Erich Hartmann, so I got myself Sakai Saburo's (last then first j-style name) 大空のサムライ thats a two parter. It's definately interesting, and as of the beginning him talking about childhood, extremely easy to read.
But ya, spend time reading to understand, but also spend time just flowing through a text word after word because it exposes you to 1000 times more kanji, grammar, etc. You won't understand, but you'll recognize, and eventually when you learn it you'll say, "Ohhhh, thats what that meant!" cause you already saw it 15 times while you were reading but didn't understand. That's reading to read to me...