Zarmao wrote:This is a huge negative for me too. What's the value of downloading files through iTunes if the names are cut off and you can't tell which file is which?
My guess is that Apple is not going to change iTunes anytime soon. So the only solution would be for the JPod101 people to start naming the files so that all the important information is included within the number of characters that iTunes can handle.
Anybody have a solution or a plan to address this? I bought a premium membership partly becasue of the iTunes feed. But it's worthless to me if it cuts off the most meaningful part of the filenames.
I also have a premium subscription as well, and agree that file name system causes problems. Some time ago people asked for for more info in the track name - our request was granted but some of the track names are just too long for practical use.
I still use Juice for downloads - If there any broken downloads ( which does not happen often enough to cause problems ) you can see the partially downloaded track, and reset it to full download just by clicking on it. I don't have an I-pod (yet) but I'm guessing you could change the Juice download folder to your I-Tunes music folder, and fix the track names as follows, before you sync.
I use Windows Media player to change the track name tag.
** I add an 8 letter prefix to each track name tag **
( I originally did this because MP3 CD player in my car only shows the first 8 letters of track names after it scrolls the full title )
Lesson type and season - 2 characters
Lesson number - 3 digits
Type of track - 1 character
( A = main lesson, B = Bonus track C = combo D = dialog, G = Grammar, R = Review )
Seeing B4-008-A tells me the track is playing is Beginner Lesson, Season 4, Main Lesson.
** I then shorten the rest of the track title, removing any excess wordage **
Once I have done the main lesson track, it is easy to copy and paste the new track name to the other tracks in the lesson, adjusting the last letter of the my prefix as required. It doesn't take more than 5 minutes to do the entire weeks downloads.
I have just renamed some episodes I just downloaded so:
"Upper Intermediate Lesson S3 #5 - Sniff Out the Best Japanese Phrases! - Grammar"
... got changed to
Hope this helps.
ooOO ( Nya, Nya )