Taurus wrote:And it doesn't matter that you don't know as much as Quacking Shoe, or Psy, or Javizy, or the guy in your class who is really much better at Japanese than you! These guys are intimidating, but it is not a race!
Me? Never would I have thought.
I'll take it as a complement, so thank you.
Seeing as there were already several responses written, at first I considered against contributing to this thread. However, given the nature of encouragement, I figured it wouldn't hurt to add my own spin on points which have already been addressed:
1) As Taurus wrote, unless you're studying with a deadline, it
isn't a race. In fact, there isn't even a finish line-- no peak of the mountain to be reached. While indeed you
can set goals for how far *you*, as a learner, want to climb, no one, not even natives, will ever know everything there is to know. Thus,
turn around sometimes to enjoy the view. Think about it-- being able to communicate and relate to
any extent with an entirely different culture is an amazing thing. Some people are cruel and will try to make you feel small for your efforts... these people are simply jerks. Ignore them!
2) Forgetting, burnout, and boredom will happen at some point to
everyone. There are no exceptions, so don't feel alone. The best cure to this, as everyone has pointed out, is to take a break from your current study methods and try to find either something more enjoyable as an alternative, or simply to stop completely for a short while. At some point something will come along that reminds you just why you became so passionate about learning in the first place. At that point, the fires will have been re-lit.
3) Language learning is not a straight line, but rather a gradually steepening curve. The more you've learned, the more you'll find yourself able to learn and at a faster rate. It can feel intimidating when you look at those ahead of you in their studies, but don't forget that they were all beginners once as well. At some point along the journey they saw the same view that you did, and decided to climb ever higher. And through much toil they continued on. There's little to say you can't do the same.
Lastly, I remember quite clearly something that a much-advanced student once told me when I was feeling entirely inadequate and hopeless with my abilities. I will paraphrase:
"Don't worry about it. Everyone gets [understands] it at some point. You will too, I promise you. Everyone does. All it takes is time."