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Boy's Lunch Box - New Japanese Trend

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Boy's Lunch Box - New Japanese Trend

Postby Hiroko » January 21st, 2009 7:16 am

More men fixing their own bento (lunch box). The main reason is to save money but some of them are very very very good at (and passionate about) fixing lunch box.

See this blog:
These are ALL done by guys :shock:

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Re: Boy's Lunch Box - New Japanese Trend

Postby Taurus » January 21st, 2009 11:18 am

Hiroko wrote:These are ALL done by guys :shock:

Why so surprised?!!

Actually, my wife's brother seemed very surprised when he heard that my wife and I split the household chores... And her friend was surprised that I do a lot of the cooking too - she asked me to send over some recipes for her husband. Also, while I was over there a few weeks ago there was a show on TV which featured this cook who has written a cookbook for single guys, which I thought was really interesting...

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Postby Hiroko » January 22nd, 2009 4:15 am

I was surprised because in Japan it's not common for guys to cook, unlike many western countries. Back in the day, guys would never cook. I'm from Kyushu, and there guys are very stubborn and have big attitude (considered manly), so it just shocked me to see the working men fixing their own lunch box, and more complex ones than many girls'!! Don't get me wrong. I think it's GREAT that guys do that. :D

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Postby untmdsprt » January 22nd, 2009 12:11 pm

Guess men are realizing they can either starve or do it themselves. :D Amazing what an empty stomach motivates someone to do.

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