皆様へ、 この例文が訳しなければならない。 それから、訂正してください。 僕にとって色々な新しい文法点があるから、わかられない。。。!
I’m looking for some translation help - if you can correct my translations please do, I'm trying to learn the example sentences for my exam next month but can't get past the translation bit for some of them!
1. 佐藤さんにしてみれば、そんなに悪いことをしたという意識はなかったのかもしれない。
As far as Satou-san is concerned, (s)he probably isn't aware (s)he did something wrong.
2. 「さっきはあんなことを言っていたけど、彼女にしてもあなたの考えがすべて間違っているとは思っていないはずだよ」
When you were saying that just now, you probably didn't reckon that to her your opinion was completely wrong.
[this one was a brain twister for me...]
3. あれから5年たったが、ついこの間のことのように感じる。
It's been five years since then but it doesn't feel like just that.
4. 酔っ払ってしまって、周りのものがみんな浮いているように見える。
I am completely drunk and it seems like everything around me is floating.
After building an airport in a large city a problem occurs, that of how to secure a large piece of land.
6.「 詳しいことはお目にかかった上で、お話いたします」
Edit note:....no idea what this one is trying to say...something about after looking at something detailed... tell/do a story...??
When my/our son was looking for work, thank you very much for looking after him.
Note: Don't understand this one... what's the しまして? It's so hard out of any context.
Please listen carefully as I have two or three warnings I want to give out when starting work from here.
Note: Made a mess of this one - don't really get it... think I'm struggling with the にさいして grammar point... A better translation would help!
Thanks again for any advice or translation edits you can provide!