So... I'm guessing theres not TOO many advanced speakers here but just in case, can someone tell me a good textbook to use after J501 and The Japan Times book Authentic Japanese 中級から上級へ? I know I could just break into literature by now but I'd like to simultaniously continue studying from something structured for a little while longer.
I want a book that teaches complex sentence patterns as grammar points (such as なになに
にこだわっているわけじゃありません which showed up in an Upper Intermediate lesson. It would also be great if it had the correct way to use some vocabulary in a sentance. Examples would be
1 型にいれてつくる meaning to cut out shapes like a cookie cutter. If no one explained this to me I'd say something like 形を切る)
2 重宝がられている To use somethign properly but I imagine this is a much more elegant way of saying it than ちゃんと使う。
This kind of stuff and the more useful the better, the more left out of textbooks the better! Please!