あの。。もし誰か良い奨学金サイトといい大学院 教えてくれないかい?
私今アメリカ大学で文化人類学を勉強するんですけど卒業したら ちょっと日本で大学院続けたいと思いますが何の大学院がいいわかりません 私言語とか文化人類学ぐらい専門やって見たい 誰かおすすめありますか?
Hello, I'm currently a 3rd year student in an American university studying anthropology but I was thinking about going to Japan to continue my studies into graduate school. Does anyone have any suggestions on what universities are good for anthropology or linguistic graduate studies? or also a website that lists the various scholarships available to foreign graduate school applicants? I have spent 2 years studying abroad in Japan but I'm not sure my Japanese level is quite high enough yet so also a question for how the entrance tests are for graduate schools, has anyone had any experience with this? I had heard that Hosei University would be good?
Thank you. どうもありがとうごさいます ^-^