stevesayskanpai san> Thank you for your request. Everytime a request/suggestion is sent to us via email or forum, I put the request in our "JP101 idea bank". Of course, we cannot make everyone happy at the same time, and there are always people that are not happy with things no matter what you do, you know? But, the request such as one you made, is very valuable to us. It doesn't necessarily mean it's going to change immediately, but even if that's the case, if you ask how often that yojijukugo is used, using comment section, we always respond to comments. And another thing is, even for Japanese, the usage of yojijukugo varies. So, if we say "ok, this is very popular yojijukugo" in the lesson, someone may say "No, i've been listening to news, watching TV, talking to people in japan, but have NEVER heard of it!"
So, the bottom line is, I'm going to add your request in our idea bank, and share that with other crews, and see what will happen! So, for now, could you try asking using the comment section? As you can see, I'm making every effort to respond to all the comments made
And That's all because we value the opinions of our listeners!