soniak wrote:I'm on OS 10.5.6. I'm able finally to access kana, ヤェーイ ! thanks to the discussion in this forum, but nothing I do turns onna or onnna or おんな to kanji.
I did a search for kotoeri on Spotlight and nothing came up. I must have Japanese Language enabled or I wouldn't have the kana available. I'm stumped. Please help me or else I will lose my whole weekend reading that 177 page PDF!!! thx
Go to System Prefs, International, and then Input Menu. What do you have checked? On my system, I have Hiragana, and Romaji checked. Since I've found no difference between Romaji and the US keyboard, I left the US keyboard unchecked.
To switch between your selections hold and then hit the spacebar. Once you see a "あ" next to the time, you can start typing in Japanese. For おんな, type onnna, and then hit the spacebar once to get the most common kanji for it. Hit it twice to bring up a menu of all kanji associated with おんな.
BTW, the kotoeri menu won't show until you switch to hiragana or romaji mode.
Hope this helps!