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Quater Pounder Shop in Shibuya - drections?

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jkid Team Member
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Quater Pounder Shop in Shibuya - drections?

Postby jkid » November 13th, 2008 6:16 am

I am not very familiar with Shibuya station but I want to check out the new McDonald's Quarter Pounder restaurant located in East Shibuya.

There is a map but it has no exit numbers on it and can't read the kanji with certainty. I was hoping to eat there tonight and would really appreciate some help.

The map is at:

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Postby Psy » November 13th, 2008 8:45 am

I haven't been to Shibuya so I can't tell you where to walk, but from my experience there's always some tunnel or sign or walkway that gets you to the popular places. I think Google Earth provides sufficient visual landmarks:


And if all else fails, just ask an official at the station for help. During my travels that never failed me.

Hope you have a feast. :D

I just noticed I wrote 'Shibuya Street." The name on the map is "Meiji Street."
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jkid Team Member
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Postby jkid » November 13th, 2008 3:36 pm

You directions made finding the place easy. Thanks very much. :)

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