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Japanese people marry whit foreigns?

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Postby untmdsprt » September 5th, 2008 5:50 am

After posting an ad on two websites I got a lot of responses from Japanese, Korean, and some Africans. Here is my experiences with the Japanese:

Most will not set a time for when and where to meet. They expect you to give them the time, day, and location for them. For those who did provide the time to meet would go out with you a couple of times, and when they didn't get to have sex, they'd stop calling with no reason as to why. Lastly, those who are still around, and actually want a relationship have now started to point out my "faults". My major problem is I'm not a hairless toothpick and I should immediately go on a diet, and shave everything in sight.

At least the guy buys me pretty things for me to wear or to smell good. Good thing I'm not in any hurry to get married. I'm dating a couple of them, and have been enjoying their different qualities.

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Postby ajm007 » September 16th, 2008 3:04 am

I don't know how much my opinion matters on this subject since I'm not actually FROM Japan.. but my mother is Japanese and my father IS a foreighner(hes pure Irish) and from the US.

My point is that it is possible for a Japanese woman to fall in love with a "foreigner", a lot of them(like my mother) are attracted to foreigners rather than they're own ethnicity. ^^b Just go for it !

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Postby gerald_ford » January 23rd, 2009 7:12 pm

JonB wrote:Also I think society is changing. My son, a half, has had no trouble (touch wood) and plays happily with anyone and I have seen no adverse reaction from Japanese people - quite the opposite in fact. He will just start playing with complete strangers in the park and whilst initially they are unsure because he looks pretty much western as soon as he starts talking Japanese no problems.

It definitely is in the last 5 years. My daughter, wife and I were in Kawasaki city at a park near my wife's house, and we saw a surprising number of half-Japanese kids, kids who emigrated to Japan (non-Japanese entirely) and other combinations. My wife, who had grown up in the same neighborhood, felt things had rapidly changed lately, and we didn't feel so worried about our daughter anymore (who's a hit in the family anyways).

TV definitely does help, but also I think times are just changing as they do anywhere. :)

It is a small world afterall.
--Gerald Ford: Pirate-Viking-Monk in training.


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Postby DerekJ » January 30th, 2009 4:41 am

I guess what we all can take from this thread is that some do, some don't...some will, some won't. People are attracted to those who suit their fancy. It really isn't any more complicated than that.

A final note on a pet peeve of mine: It would be great if people would stop equating "Western" with Caucasian. Yes, I know the statistics but more than a few of us who do not fit that category, are involved with Japanese women.

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