As I continue studying Japanese on my own with multiple textbooks plus this site, I've noticed several situations where words are spelled in hiragana in some places and kanji in others. I'm wondering if there is any rule behind this or is it simply personal preference, convention, etc? I haven't been keeping track of them, so it's difficult to give concrete examples, but here's one:
- kudasai - I've seen it as ください and 下さい. Is one to be preferred over the other, or is there some nuance here?
I realize textbooks often hold back on kanji and only introduce a few at a time, but I'm also using the all-Japanese 新文化初級日本語 1&2 (Shin bunka shokyuu nihongo - with kanji used throughout with furigana), and I've noticed the same thing.
p.s. The only time I've seen anything like this mentioned anywhere was in an explanation that kimasu is spelled in hiragana (instead of 来ます) when acting as a helping verb.