beltonさん hit the nail on the head.
as is often the case, there are many thing we'd love to do, but simply can't at the moment. the amount of work that actually goes into a single lesson (including video vocab, lesson notes, kanji close up, vocab, dialog track, review track, combo tracks & bonus tracks, etc) is actually quite staggering. i'm not even mentioning preparation, story writing, etc.
i'm right there with anyone who says "we want stroke order."
as a student of japanese myself, believe i want it. i've asked around about since i came onboard. and i'll continue to do so.
but at the moment the man power is just not there. as for being technically difficult/impossible, with the current pdf generation, that font wouldn't be visible. you've seen the font used for roman letters in the pdfs, right?
that definitely wasn't our first choice.
if we wanted the japanese font to display correctly, we had to go with that one.
again, this is just how things are now. and we definitely listen to what people say. the guys doing the tech side of the site are absolutely amazing (and overworked). whether it's in the form of a pdf or video or something else, i'm sure eventually those guys will be able to pull it off.