domo domo!
I'm new here, I discovered this site through your podcasts and I want to say thanks so much, they are really helpful and I'd like to return the favour with some of my own material.
Its summer now and I'm looking for ways to stay active with Japanese before I start intermediate level at my university. So this site and the podcasts I'm sure will be a great help (seeing as my study group is always too lazy to meet up).
Anyways, this is my university's website and it is completely free, it was created by my professor (Ota-sensei) as a way to save on paper and just have everything there for everyone to access! It is a great resource for beginner through to advance Japanese users. It comes with video lectures by my professor (very funny guy too) and tests and exams that were actually used in previous years. Check it out and let me know if it helps with your summer studying at all.
quick navigation:
-menu on the left has all the links to the levels of classes offered (AS/JP1000 6.0 = beginners to AS/JP4000 Advanced Readings in Modern Standard Japanese)
-once you click on one of these, all the good stuff can be found in the "lecture notes" sections.
-otherwise, explore around and you should find it full of interesting stuff!