Postby hatch_jp » May 19th, 2008 4:32 pm
In this case, "再生済み" means "be (already) played"
One of "再生(さいせい)する" meaning is "to play".
For example;
We played the tape. : そのテープを再生した。
In this case, "とし" means ", and"
Sometimes it used before the sentence of the reason.
For examples;
Seven is considered to be a lucky number, and it is to be preferable.:7はラッキーな数字とし、好まれる
Seven is to be preferable since/as/because it is considered a lucky number.:7はラッキーな数字とし、好まれる
The contract should be in writing and both of you keep its copy. : 契約(けいやく)は書面(しょめん)で行われるものとし、両者(りょうしゃ)がコピーを所持(しょじ)するものとする。
If you want to add something supplemental following previous sentence, you can say "なお、" before the additional sentence.
", and" means sometimes "なお" when the sentence following "and" is additional.
For examles;
We are taking off shortly, and please refrain from using the lobatory.:間(ま)もなく離陸(りりく)します。 なお、洗面所(せんめんじょ)の使用(しよう)はお控(ひか)え下さい。
Please hand in the document. Don't forget your signature. :書類(しょるい)を提出(ていしゅつ)下さい。なお、署名(しょめい)をお忘(わす)れなく。