Fedgrub wrote:It saves me all the time! haha
I think that's the main advantage of furigana: it's convenient. That doesn't go to say it's the most effective way to learn to read. It's very easy to just cruise through without even looking at the kanji, even kanji that I can already read, and this is basically what happens when I read manga.
The PDF's are quite unique since you can learn to read the kanji transcript without any help. I start of trying to read what I can while highlighting readings I don't know in the kana transcript, and after going through it a few times, I can read the kanji straight through. When I review it a few weeks later, I usually remember all of it, so it must be a pretty effective method.
Like Jason said in the other thread, furigana can become a crutch, so if that's all you ever read, how are you going to know if it's 'good for learning kanji'?