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SRS based flashcard software for iPod

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SRS based flashcard software for iPod

Postby jondesousa » May 12th, 2008 1:14 pm

Does anyone know of a SRS (Spaced repetition software) flashcard program that could be used with the iPod? I currently use twinkle on a Palm TX but I would like to reduce the number of items I carry with me for studying if possible. Since I already use my iPod for and Jpop, it would be ideal to also use it for flashcard software.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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Postby nickledime » July 10th, 2008 7:20 am

I would also like to find such a program. Is there a way to make Anki work on an iPod for example?

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Postby Belton » July 10th, 2008 8:54 am

There's hope with the iPod Touch and iPhone being opened up to 3rd party developers and they're being more PDA like than just an MP3 device.

For Classic iPods you're a bit out of luck. The only software for them is sold via the iTunes store and are mainly games. (I think the development has been quite closed compared to iPhone). The closest would be iQuiz and even then you'd need to do a fair amount of work to make it useful. (I've toyed with the idea but never got around to it.)

The closest I've ever seen is iFlash(Mac only) which will export to the notes feature in an attempt to get some iPod on the road ability, but it's hardly SRS in this form.

The SayPlay audio files for sale in the Jpod store is also a brave attempt to get audio flashcards on the iPod.
I think the problem is the iPod is a music player and every attempt involves so much workarounds and inevitably runs into the problem that it's not really a PDA or computer platform.

I've wanted SRS flashcard ability on the iPod (or Nintendo DS) for ages.
My hope is the developer of iFlash will come through with iFlash Touch before the year is out and that will probably be my incentive to upgrade my iPod. The developer seems quite open to hearing requests and suggestions from users.

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Postby Belton » July 10th, 2008 5:45 pm

later that day...

The iTunes App store has opened and there are at least two Flashcard programs. An interesting Japanese dictionary, cheap and free manga, text readers that can deal with Japanese, a Touch version of iLingo, what looks like the Japanese train timetables! and a utility for looking up Japanese zip codes.
Presumably there will be more goodies as the store expands.

Now all I need is a Touch (or iPhone) and a top up of my Japanese store credits...

following a link out of the store, owners of older iPods might be interested in this
A very stylish looking program. They are one of the two developers offering a flashcard program for the Touch.

yet another edit/update...

Having bought Flash My Brain (on a bit of a whim) I'd recommend people to be cautious over parting with money for this program. If I had access to their forums before buying I wouldn't have. There are many many unanswered posts, what seems like a complete lack of support and a sizeable number of threads about getting refunds (purchasing through the Google Checkout makes a refund more likely, Paypal isn't interested.) . The last post from the admin was in February.

It's a pity because it does have potential if the developer would only pay some attention to his/her customers. The on-line demo seemed fine. The app itself, well it has some small issues (so far) but I now think there's no hope of them being improved.
It'll be interesting to see if similar problems arise on the Touch version and what responsibility Apple will take for the software it's reselling.

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Postby markystar » August 1st, 2008 8:37 am

i installed the following on my iPhone:

gendou free - a free app that converts western years into the japanese calendar.
mixi iphone app - a free app that connects you to mixi.
i have something special installed too... but i'll talk more about that later. heheheheh


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