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Omiyage to a relative

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Omiyage to a relative

Postby masshigura » February 28th, 2008 6:31 pm

I'm living in Japan right now. I'm a Japanese American. I recently, I have contacted some distant relatives (my grandma's cousin and his niece). We've only talked on the phone, but we live relatively close to each other, so we are planning to meet up. When I visit them, what kind of お土産should I bring? We both live in Hiroshima, so I guess something from Hiroshima isn't really good, and I don't have anything with me now from the what would be appropriate?? :?: :?:

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The general thing would be

Postby JonB » March 3rd, 2008 3:12 am

(expensive) fruit or cakes from an expensive shop - I guess it depends really on where you are meeting them - in their house then fruit/cakes/sweets etc but if outside then I am not really sure

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