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Car stuff

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Car stuff

Postby CharleyGarrett » February 20th, 2008 5:33 pm

There are differences between American and UK english (that I'm aware of), for talking about cars. trunk/boot. I think it would be interesting to have a podcast about how the Japanese talk about cars. Headlights? Ignition? Windshield? Steering wheel? Brake? Gas pedal? Retractable side rear-view mirrors? Are gas tanks on the right (as on the driver's side)? Do most adults get driver's licenses, in view of the great public transit systems?

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Postby markystar » February 21st, 2008 8:08 am


i personally don't drive over here (no need for a car in tokyo), but i'm a little curious too. give us some time to think up some creative way to cover it (no car-enthusiasts in the office, to the best of my

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Postby Psy » February 21st, 2008 10:24 pm

The only thing that comes to mind at the moment is that they call the steering wheel ハンドル (handoru).
High time to finish what I've started. || Anki vocabulary drive: 5,000/10k. Restart coming soon. || Dig my Road to Katakana tutorial on the App store.

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How about?

Postby CharleyGarrett » February 21st, 2008 10:44 pm

I saw a show one time about training police officers on the techniques needed for high-speed chases, but I guess crime is not as much an issue in Japan, still, I imagine that they still have to take the courses. Doesn't that sound like fun?

How about racing sims? Those video games that let people drive race cars. Maybe that'd be a way to bring the discussion around to this area. Are there any Japanese race-car drivers, or enthusiasts? That's off the beaten track, and the vocab for cars might fit in naturally. Is there a NASCAR following (the way there is here in Georgia)?

If one wants to buy a car, maybe a salesman would explain the unique features....that'd cover a lot of vocab...power steering, power brakes, power windows, heads-up displays, tachometers, automatic transmission (or manual), etc. Is it true that before you can get a tag (or was it purchase a car), you have to submit documents establishing that you have a place to park it?

How does one get a license in Japan? I heard that it's very expensive. One must complete a safe-driving course, and so forth. Maybe we have somebody taking one of those courses, and the teacher has to explain how to use all the widgets on the car. Very different than the US, where a high school course is completely optional "Drivers Ed". And Do they have "learner permits"? If so, at what age is one eligible? I would guess that motorcycles are more popular with young people. Naturally, the vocabulary for motorcycles is interesting too. Do they have "moto-cross" racing? Dirt-bike racing?

In one of the Star Trek movies, Sulu flies an "antique" helicopter. There's a cute scene where he flips a switch and accidentally gets the windshield wipers to go on. How about a dude taking a girl out for a date, and he picks her up in his new car? Maybe he can make a few bloopers like that? Or he shows her the amenities that he appreciates the most?

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