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Problems viewing website with low resolution

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Been Around a Bit
Posts: 41
Joined: April 24th, 2006 3:28 am

Problems viewing website with low resolution

Postby esp » April 25th, 2006 6:36 pm

Hi, currently i'm using a resolution of 800x600 and the problem is that I can only slide horizontally when I get to the bottom of the page so if I want to see things on the right of the page I either have to go to the bottom of the page or highlight text to move right. It's not a really big problem but it's a bit annoying sometimes.

Here's a few pictures to show what the problem is

So basically I would like the horizontal slider to be at the bottom of the browser window rather than on the page

Eran Team Member
Posts: 173
Joined: April 21st, 2006 12:19 pm

Postby Eran » April 25th, 2006 7:39 pm

The is best viewed with a minimum screen resolution of of 1024 x 768. To change your screen size using Windows XP please check this link: ... ution.mspx

The site is also best viewed with viewed with Firefox 1.5+ or Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0+. We also recommend that you enable both JavaScript and Cookies in your browser's settings. Please visit the links below to download and install the latest version of Internet Explorer or Firefox.
- Microsoft: ... efault.asp
- Firefox:

Some of the content on our site is presented in the Adobe Acrobat portable document format (PDF). You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these documents. Please visit the link below to download and install the latest version of the Reader.
- Adobe Acrobat Reader:

Some of the multimedia files (e.g.- audio files, video files, etc.) presented on may also require the following free browser plug-ins:
- Macromedia Flash Player ... kwaveFlash
- Microsoft Windows Media Player ... efault.asp
- Apple QuickTime

We will try our best to find a way to make the experience for those using 800 x 600 screen resolutions a better one but I cannot make any promises. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Truth is, very few sites today are designed for those resolutions.

All the best,


Been Around a Bit
Posts: 41
Joined: April 24th, 2006 3:28 am

Postby esp » April 25th, 2006 7:47 pm

Thanks for the reply

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