Mike in Nano wrote:My wife being new to Japan, now laughs when I use eeeeeeee! with her. She is still working on hers though. Her hai! is now pretty good.
What I find amusing (since I am a guy) is when a quiet, reserved and attractive Japanese women belts out a hearty eeeeeeeee!
btw. Maximara- as I am catching up on JPod from the beginning, I saw in one of the Survival Phrase Series you wished to go to Italy to see Dan Brown and the site of the DaVinci Code. Dan lives in the same small town in New Hampshire as where my wife and I have a home.
Mike in Ebisu
yeah i think it really blows thier cover! haha
yes sometimes i say it as a joke and to make fun of my bf haha.
As a typical reserved English girl i basically don't react to anything much. I find that difficult in Japanese as i fear my Japanese will sound flat if i don't make use of the up and down expressive suGOI or the strong SO! etc But at the same time i feel really uncomfortable being so expressive. Any advice?
ps-i also feel uncomfortable when people say EEEEEEEEE! as a response to me telling them something-that personally i don't feel deserves an EEEEEEEEE! still havent worked out how to respond to this...