one of the things i've taken upon myself as a sort of personal crusade, is to get all of us more involved. i've definitely seen the community active surge in the last year and i really love interacting with you guys. we're growing together, so it's not just exciting, it's rewarding!
my dream for 2008 is to see this same enthusiasm just fly off the charts! we've got
momentum, so let's go crazy!
i've recently made a pitch on the main site that for people to use their katakana name or if they want, a japanese name or anything as long as they use japanese characters. of course the main reason is it's more fun, but i think there is a secondary benefit, ie: you'll become more familiar with japanese writing and your reading skill will improve.
a few people have already made the switch and i encourage everyone to do so!!
i think this is step one into becoming a more proactive learner and it's fun!
try out new vocab/grammar in the lesson threads.
some people already do this, and i see a lot of japanese used in the comments for miki's blog. max is pretty consistent about this, i noticed.
an example,
this saturday's sights & sounds lesson used the word だらけ
it would be great if everyone tried out a sentence using it (especially if you heard the review track we had some great sample sentences using だらけ). so this will give you a chance to test drive your new vocab or grammar. if you make a mistake or have a question, some listeners will chime in or sometimes our japanese staff! it can't hurt to try it and definitely is good practice, especially for those of you who don't have the opportunity to speak japanese daily.
what do you guys think?
good ideas? bad ideas?
anyone else interested in playing along?