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markystar wrote:But truth be told, we would probably be doing furigana already if we had a technological way to implement it. currently, we don't have any way to actually print furigana in our PDF's the way they are generated now.![]()
untmdsprt wrote:markystar wrote:But truth be told, we would probably be doing furigana already if we had a technological way to implement it. currently, we don't have any way to actually print furigana in our PDF's the way they are generated now.![]()
I thought JPod101 used Macs? Microsoft Word can do the furigana, and saving to PDF is built into the Mac OS. It's under File - Print… - PDF pull down menu. You have to register Word to accept Japanese input first, but it can be done. Peterさん is a big Mac fan, so maybe he can pull some strings?
I haven't used any other word processor, so I don't know what they're capable of.
markystar wrote:we don't use MS Word to generate the PDF's. our tech team actually whipped up our own platform. so it's not quite as simple to do furigana as it seems.
markystar wrote:i wish there was a way to hide the romaji. if it was my decision, there wouldn't be any romaji at all. i've tried to push for it many times, but doesn't seem like it's likely.
untmdsprt wrote:markystar wrote:i wish there was a way to hide the romaji. if it was my decision, there wouldn't be any romaji at all. i've tried to push for it many times, but doesn't seem like it's likely.
Marky-san, you have our support to ban all romaji. Maybe you should start a list of listeners who want to ban romaji from all PDFs. Please add my name, Jenny, to the list!