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Furigana instead of katagana version

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Furigana instead of katagana version

Postby watermen » October 10th, 2007 7:36 pm

In the PDF, there is always a side by side katagana version for the kanji version, I would like to suggestion Jpod101 to consider using furigana instead of katagana side by side as it would facilitate reading. Reading the katagana version is really a pain in the butt when it comes to latter part of the lessons.

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Postby Shaydwyrm » October 11th, 2007 6:32 am

I would prefer not to have furigana, actually, so that I can use the passages for kanji reading practice. When furigana are present I often can't help reading them, so I don't end up practicing kanji readings at all.

It would be nice, however, to have spaces in the kana version. I know "real" Japanese writing doesn't have spaces, but it also has kanji, which makes it much more readable. In the 国語 worksheets I've read for Japanese 一年生, before many kanji have been introduced, they also use spaces to improve readability.

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Postby Javizy » October 11th, 2007 3:57 pm

I completely agree with you Shaydwyrm. I don't think it's even possible to avoid reading the furigana above the kanji. I have to keep stopping myself when reading manga because I realise I'm not even looking at the kanji if I don't immediately recognise it. It seems like people who request furigana are not serious about learning kanji at all.

The benefit of side-by-side is obvious: it makes you go through the annoying process of referencing the kana script until you can read the transcript by looking at the kanji alone; forcing you to remember the readings of the characters.

Although, having said all that, they could keep the kanji as is and replace the kana with furigana; that would make referencing the reading a lot easier. For some reason, I always pictured a single furigana version replacing both the kanji and kana :roll:

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Postby markystar » October 11th, 2007 6:09 pm

i think everyone will agree that the longer you study japanese the more you want to be freed from the shackles of romaji.

and actually, I think the same applies with furigana.
But truth be told, we would probably be doing furigana already if we had a technological way to implement it. currently, we don't have any way to actually print furigana in our PDF's the way they are generated now. :(

that's good news for those of you who want to improve your reading skills! and it's bad news for those who still need that little bump up. that said, we'd probably be doing it if we could. but in the meantime, the side-by-side isn't sooo bad, right?

personally, if i had my way, there'd be no romaji anywhere japanese text is written. my main gripe is romaji, since most westerners' eyes are instantly drawn it. but i've been overruled on that one many times. :roll:


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Postby Jason » October 15th, 2007 11:04 pm

markystar wrote:i think everyone will agree that the longer you study japanese the more you want to be freed from the shackles of romaji.

Rouma-ji is evil. Its that simple.
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Postby redacid » November 28th, 2007 3:12 am

I think it would be nice if the kana version and the kanji version were lined up. That is, since the kanji version uses less characters since one kanji can represent a few kana, the kana equivalent begins to get lower than it's equivalent on the kanji side. Just makes it harder to find the reading of the kanji you don't know when you look over to the right side. Great site by the way!

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Postby untmdsprt » January 11th, 2008 7:20 pm

markystar wrote:But truth be told, we would probably be doing furigana already if we had a technological way to implement it. currently, we don't have any way to actually print furigana in our PDF's the way they are generated now. :(

I thought JPod101 used Macs? Microsoft Word can do the furigana, and saving to PDF is built into the Mac OS. It's under File - Print… - PDF pull down menu. You have to register Word to accept Japanese input first, but it can be done. Peterさん is a big Mac fan, so maybe he can pull some strings?

I haven't used any other word processor, so I don't know what they're capable of.

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Postby Ulver_684 » January 11th, 2008 11:54 pm

untmdsprt wrote:
markystar wrote:But truth be told, we would probably be doing furigana already if we had a technological way to implement it. currently, we don't have any way to actually print furigana in our PDF's the way they are generated now. :(

I thought JPod101 used Macs? Microsoft Word can do the furigana, and saving to PDF is built into the Mac OS. It's under File - Print… - PDF pull down menu. You have to register Word to accept Japanese input first, but it can be done. Peterさん is a big Mac fan, so maybe he can pull some strings?

I haven't used any other word processor, so I don't know what they're capable of.

Untmdsprt-san! :wink:

JP101 also have Macs, I saw them on a picture from last year. What really surprises me it's that I didn't knew Peter was Mac Fan. :shock:

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Postby skrba » January 12th, 2008 2:03 am

JPod team,

If you somehow solve the problem from technical side (like user untmdsprt said, Word can do it, probably there is some way on Mac, or just make them in Word :) ), then how about making standard kanji version as it is, and bellow to be furigana version? In that way users who wish to practice kanjis will stayed untouched and others will immediately see how to read every original word!


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Postby markystar » January 12th, 2008 10:30 am

we don't use MS Word to generate the PDF's. our tech team actually whipped up our own platform. so it's not quite as simple to do furigana as it seems. :(

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Postby markystar » January 12th, 2008 10:31 am

and as for macs, we have a few macs in the office. but except for peter and kieth most of us are using windows-based machines.

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Postby untmdsprt » January 12th, 2008 2:18 pm

markystar wrote:we don't use MS Word to generate the PDF's. our tech team actually whipped up our own platform. so it's not quite as simple to do furigana as it seems. :(

Ah, maybe you need to have a contest for local programmers to see if they can create an easy way to get furigana in the PDFs. ;)

Is there a way for us the listeners to hide the romaji? Instead of putting each text side-by-side, how about one underneath the other? Some of the PDFs are looking a little crowded.

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Postby markystar » January 12th, 2008 3:56 pm

i wish there was a way to hide the romaji. if it was my decision, there wouldn't be any romaji at all. i've tried to push for it many times, but doesn't seem like it's likely. :cry:

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Postby untmdsprt » January 12th, 2008 4:17 pm

markystar wrote:i wish there was a way to hide the romaji. if it was my decision, there wouldn't be any romaji at all. i've tried to push for it many times, but doesn't seem like it's likely. :cry:

Marky-san, you have our support to ban all romaji. Maybe you should start a list of listeners who want to ban romaji from all PDFs. Please add my name, Jenny, to the list!

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Postby Ulver_684 » January 12th, 2008 10:27 pm

untmdsprt wrote:
markystar wrote:i wish there was a way to hide the romaji. if it was my decision, there wouldn't be any romaji at all. i've tried to push for it many times, but doesn't seem like it's likely. :cry:

Marky-san, you have our support to ban all romaji. Maybe you should start a list of listeners who want to ban romaji from all PDFs. Please add my name, Jenny, to the list!

Marky-san! :wink:

I also want to join too. Add Sindy RC on the list! 8)

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