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maxiewawa wrote:You don't need any extra hardware to type Japanese.
Ulver_684 wrote:maxiewawa wrote:You don't need any extra hardware to type Japanese.
Your right! but for Spanish, I think I need a keyboard with the ene N has something on top and for the explamation ! that goes up so how do I type Spanish on a English keyboard
kc8ufv wrote:Ulver_684 wrote:maxiewawa wrote:You don't need any extra hardware to type Japanese.
Your right! but for Spanish, I think I need a keyboard with the ene N has something on top and for the explamation ! that goes up so how do I type Spanish on a English keyboard
I was thinking that was just another IME. I just messed around, and added Spanish(Mexico) to the installed languages, and the Ñ/ñ replaces the English(US) :/; when ES is selected.
I initially overlooked the comments for the upside down ! and ?, and have already removed the Spanish IME, but I think those were on - and =