i'm with skydiverさん on this one. flash cards are old as the hills, but they work.
when i first started learning, i made flash cards and after i guessed the word, if i was correct, then i had to make a sentence using the word. i'd usually try to make a sentence that applied to my current situation or surroundings. the idea was that i had to use the word immediately in a real world situation that i was currently involved in. (it was always possible, or i'd have to stretch it a little, but you get the idea).
also, somebody mentioned ANKI in the forum somewhere. i recently checked it out, it's a free opensource flashcard program and i'm really impressed with it. you can use it on your japanese cellphone or mobile device or computer.
maybe users could make lesson or level or interest-based flashcards and share them with other users back here in the forum.
i've started compiling 津軽弁 vocab and phrases and practice them on the train on my phone. woo-hoo!
ps: don't worry about all lowercase, i always type that way anyways.