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Searchable Phrases

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Searchable Phrases

Postby Fatson » October 31st, 2007 4:58 am

I wish there were a way to search the lesson's phrases all at once. Much of the time, I'm finding that english expressions for certain things differ so greatly from Japanese that only knowing the singular words that would theoretically make up the translation isn't enough.

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Postby maxiewawa » November 1st, 2007 7:51 am

Sorry, I don't quite follow.

You're hoping to input a phrase and see the Japanese translation?

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Postby Fatson » November 2nd, 2007 1:28 am

Essentially, what I would like to see is something similar to the example sentences in the Eijirou, only specifically taken from the JPod101 lessons. One would input all, or part, of an english phrase and get back all the instances that the particular phrase they're looking for shows up within all the lessons. I think this would be useful because japanese phrases often don't include any of the singularly translated english words within them. I find that some of these types of phrase need to be memorized as if they are nothing more than another vocabulary word I didn't previously know. The type of search I'm thinking of would make these phrases accessible just as single words are looked up in a dictionary.

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